Terms of Service

Now Spinning Terms of Service for Registered Users

1. YouTube Videos / Streaming Playlists – Please do not start a new post with a YouTube video or with a screenshot from Spotify etc
The whole idea behind the Now Spinning website is to share what we actually have in our music collections and the memories or recommendations behind them.
NB: It is ok for a YouTube video/streaming link to be posted in a reply if it is a band that is new to someone.

2. Any Post with no text (just an image or link) will be removed
What people enjoy about this group is the discussion about the releases and the artist. So please remember to add some text or background info to your post.
I know it is easy to share an album cover across several groups at the same time, but what is the point? This group is different.
NB: Also please make it a photo of the actual album / single / item you own, not an image from Google etc.

3. What can I post?
All formats – CD, Vinyl, Cassette, 8 Track etc, memorabilia – programs, ticket stubs, photos, press cuttings etc, Music DVD, Music books, HiFi equipment. Basically, anything that is part of your music collection!

News about new releases or news about your favourite artist is fine

4. How often can I post?
There are no limits, but if you post a lot in quick succession you will probably find you will get less interaction as people can feel overwhelmed.

5. Be nice – Be Kind
The Internet is full of music furums where people get into very heated discussions and they end up not feeling safe places to hang out.
This is a very friendly community and ALL styles of music and formats are welcome. No one is going to like everything that gets posted, but with an open mind, you might get introduced to something new you do like.
Just remember before you post, someone has taken the time to take a photo and tell a story about the music they love.
If it is not your kind of music just keep scrolling.
Before you comment ask yourself, will it help? Will it make someone smile? If not, don’t post.

6. Self Promotion
Self-promotion posts and posts that have been copied and pasted from other websites will be removed.

7. Nudity – Swearing
Anyone posting with references to racism, homophobia, Sexism, swearing etc will be removed and blocked.

General Terms of Service for the Now Spinning Website

Please note copyright exists on ALL photographs used on this site. The use of any images or part of any image is strictly prohibited without prior permission from Now Spinning Magazine.
This Website, images, videos, sound files and text are copyright owned by Now Spinning unless otherwise noted. All rights are reserved.

We provide the content of this website for information purposes only. You are free to download and print off single paper copies of our images for personal, non-commercial uses only. Other reproductions, storage, or redistribution in any form electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise is strictly not permitted.

No part of this website may be copied, transferred or re-created, pasted without written consent from ourselves.

On accessing this site you agree not to adapt, alter or create a derivative work from any of the pages and material contained within the Now Spinning site or any associated pages. You also agree not to use it for any other purpose other than for your personal non-commercial use.

No part of this website may in any way be incorporated or copied into any other website, database, publication or other work in any form whatsoever. Framing of, or embedment of, this website or any of its content is forbidden.

We at Now Spinning do and continue to make every reasonable effort to keep and check the accuracy of the information on this website and to keep it up to date, we disclaim any warranty or representation, express or implied about its accuracy, completeness or appropriateness for a particular purpose. Thus you assume full responsibility for using the information at this website, and you understand and agree that we are not responsible or liable for any claim, loss or damage resulting from its use.

Thank you
Phil Aston