Wilko Johnson Dr Feelgood Tribute

Wilko Johnson Tribute – 12th July 1947 – 21st November 2022

Please watch the video above for the full tribute.

Wilko Johnson will be best remembered as the guitarist from Dr Feelgood.
A unique character, musician, sound and performer. I still remember buying my first Dr Feelgood single ‘Back in the Night’

Wilko Johnson had a unique guitar sound in fact he sounded like two guitarists playing at the sometime. One playing lead and the other playing a choppy percussive rhythm. That sound was made by one man – Wilko Johnson. He was able to play lead and rhythm at the sametime and not only that his stage craft was also like no other. He held his black Fender Telecaster like a weapon as he pointed it one way his head in the other while zig zagging across the stage.

Wilko Johnson played rock and roll and continued to do so with a passion that never left him.
Even when he was diagnosed with terminal cancer in 2012 he kept his passion for music and he powered his way through what he thought would be his farewell tour. Life interviewed and after a life saving operation he was able to give us another ten years of music and joy.

This video is dedicated to Wilko’s family and fans around the world.

Today play some Dr Feelgood loud and jump around the room you play it in.

Phil Aston | Now Spinning Magazine

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Chris Harris
Chris Harris
2 years ago

Lovely tribute Phil, I’ve played a bunch of Dr Feelgood and Solo Wilko today and remembering when I saw him back in the 90’s at the Feelgoods Bar on Canvey, my home town, there’s no doubt he was totally unique and so energetic you could’ve run a City off him if you could harness that! Our town will be a little darker now, we have his music and life will continue but I know we’ve lost a very special soul and it cuts deeper because we shared a Birthplace! R.I.P. Wilko they’ve got a helluva band up there now!

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