Free : Songs of Yesterday 5CD Box Set Review and Reaction

Free: Songs of Yesterday: 5CD Box Set Review : 2000
I have thought about doing this for a while as it is one of my favourite box sets. I recorded it on the anniversary of Paul Kossoff’s passing and it made me think back to where I was when I heard the news he had died.

This might sound odd but I thought I knew him and he understood me. I was a very shy and awkward teenager back then doing my best to fit in and the notes Pual Kossoff played on the guitar resonated with how I felt and the music of Free was tremendous support and inspiration for me.

This is an amazing box set where every song is an alternative version or new mix. Most alternative mixes on box sets I might play once but here each version is a new and unique performance.

This video is dedicated to the memory of Paul Kossoff

Phil Aston | Now Spinning Magazine

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