Gin Lady: Before The Dawn Of Time : Album Review

Gin Lady: Before The Dawn Of Time : Album Review

Gin Lady: “Before The Dawn Of Time” (Ripple Music 2025)
Psych pop/ Country pop.

Anthon Johansson – Bass, Vocals, Keyboards
Fredrik Normark – Drums, Percussion
Johnny Stenberg – Lead Guitar, Vocals
Magnus Kärnebro – Lead Vocals, Guitar

The modern rock band is truly an underground thing today. One can argue that with all the social media platforms available nowadays it would be much easier to reach the audience but the truth is that the media buzz is bigger and there so many outlets for music.the chance of someone finding you and your Bandcamp page is hard. Both bands and listeners can easily be lost in the wave of the media whirlwind that surrounds us daily.

This band is a case in point. Gin Lady, a four piece band from Skellefteå from the very north of Sweden is now releasing their seventh album.
They are totally new to me. They are as far as I can gather still a upcoming cult act. They truly deserve to be heard.

“Before The Dawn Of Time” presents a band that plays a very laid back pop rock/ roots rock/psych pop sound.
In a statement the band said this about the theme of the album “Before The Dawn Of Time” is our view of the world that we live in today both on a larger scale and as individuals. What are the important things in life? What can we do as fellow humans to make it a better place? There’s a darkness coming or maybe it’s already here, as a veil, it distorts the way we look at things. The lyrics deal with our failure to communicate, the way we treat our environment, and the way nature reacts when provoked by us, the ones that need to stand at the gates and say that’s enough, the fact that love, trust in one another and hope is the only true way out of this mess and that the distance grows between our stars and galaxies.”

Well, there are a lot of thought gone to the music for sure. And these thoughts echoes what many of us are thinking at this time.

The opening track The Paramount is a mid paced pop nugget with a dreamy feel throughout its 4 and half minutes. Lush vocals, a melodic riff played on smooth guitars in a very comfy mix. There are traces mellotrons and synths in the background. This is radiofriendly in a very good. Music to relax and engage in. If you are a soft rock or a psych pop fan you are in a good place from the let go. Being the first single, it sets the tone of how this album sounds.

Magnus Kärnebro has a warm husky voice that suits the songs.

The following track Mighty River has a great grove to it. In the end they go into this simmering jam that reminds me of King Gizzard.
That bit could have easily been longer.

”Tingens Sanna Natur” is Swedish for ”The true nature of things” this is sung in the chorus of the song but the rest of the lyrics are sung in English.

The modern acid folk instrumental ”The Big Now” is fave. A folky melody that has this nordic melody that easily become an earworm . I perhaps think it could have been a minute longer.

What really sticks out is the sense of good melodies. ”Ways To Cross The Sky”, the longest song of the album, pushing six minutes gives the band a chance to stretch out for a bit with a guitar break a la Neil Young. This is more country rock than psych

”Turn back” is the heaviest track with a great hypnotic riff that gives the chorus a great punch. Again catchy classic pop melody that sticks with you.

Sometimes as in ”Mullberry Bend” they remind me of early 80’s Moody Blues with well executed harmonies.

The two last songs
”Bliss on the line” and ”You’re a big star” leans more to more dreamy country rock a la Wilco.

I think the band succeeds in their vision when creating
these songs. Hopefully their message and music gets across.


Pontus Norshammar | Now Spinning Magazine

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