Bernie Marsden Tribute by Phil Aston – Now Spinning Magazine

Bernie Marsden Tribute by Phil Aston – Now Spinning Magazine
This video is dedicated to Bernie’s family especially his wife Fran, daughters Charlotte and Olivia and his fans around the world

From Babe Ruth, Paice Ashton Lord, Whitesnake, Solo albums, guest spots Bernie Marsden has created some timeless and unforgettable moments in the history of popular music. Bernie was also an incredible songwriter who composed classics like ‘Here I Go Again’ and many more,

In the tribute I talk about when I first heard Bernie Marsden on Guitar, my favourite albums and tracks and also point out where your should start if you are new to this wonderful guitarist and vocalist.

Bernie Marsden RIP (7 May 1951 – 24 August 2023)

“I was very moved by your heartfelt words. Thanks also for putting things in perspective and you’re, as always, spot on in your analysis. Bernie Marsden touched me with his music way beyond superstars like Joe Bonamassa (as nice and great as he is). You also said something that is key to a truly great musician on any instrument, they actually sing while they’re playing… it’s so obvious this I what Bernie did. So lyrical in his playing” Echelle

“Thank you for your heartfelt words for Bernie Marsden, you have beautifully described the stages of his career with your personal memories and also appreciated him as a human being. Those who didn’t know him before or knew little about him will surely have become curious now, also thanks to your mentioned albums, music titles and the book. Bernie Marsden R.I.P.” Jogi

“Extremely well done, Phil. Heartfelt, well informed and well said. Bernie has always been my favourite of all Whitesnake guitarists. Great playing, songwriting and vocals. He was definitely one of the highlights at the Celebration for Jon Lord show and I really enjoyed reading his book. Thanks again for a wonderful tribute. Perfect. Cheers from Toronto, Canada.” Moe

“What a great tribute Phil, easily the best on YT. I was fortunate to see him “back in the day” at the Hammersmith Odeon & have loved his playing since those halcyon days. Though I never met him, he always came across in interviews as a lovely bloke. Such a sad day, but a lovely tribute. Thanks Phil.” David

“Phil, this is by far the best and most heartfelt tribute to Bernie. I know he heard you and is smiling down on you and your loves ones, with equal measure as you’ve done for him and his. Simply wonderful! ” Ayea

“Lovely tribute, Phil. I’m so pleased you mentioned Bernies vocals, he’s severely overlooked in that department. I always liked his vocal on Might Just Take Your Life from Live In The Heart Of The City, covering Hughes part. His solo on Fool For Your Loving is my favourite of his – Blows Steve Vai’s solo from the 1990 version, out the water. And now you’ve mentioned it, Don’t Break My Heart Again is another perfect solo of his. I can sing, hum or whistle nearly all of his solos.
Bernie Marsden was the definition of an underrated guitar player, but for those who know, know”. DeepZep

“Very nice tribute Phil. You can truly hear the sense of loss in your voice – I just played the live version of Might Just Take Your Life from Live in the Heart of the City and when Coverdale says “my friend Bernie Marsden is gonna do some singin for ya” I sort of teared up. Only got to see the man one time, in 1980 Whitesnake opened for Jethro Tull in my little town in central California and it was 40 minutes of magic. The shear talent of the 6 guys in that version of the band is pretty unbelievable. Being a Jethro Tull crowd for the most part the reception wasn’t that good. But it didn’t matter, they played a blinder for the semi-receptive crowd. I spoke to Coverdale about it 4 years later on the Slide It In tour and he joked about the pairing and how it wasn’t a good fit. One album I’ve never been able to get was Bernie Plays Rory – the fact that he did a Rory tribute says a lot about Bernie! It’s a sad day indeed to lose someone that nobody has anything but kind words for. You’re a lucky man to have been able to see him on numerous occasions, I feel fortunate to have seen him albeit many, many years ago. Cheers Phil!” Brian

“Thank you so much Phil for this wonderful tribute to Bernie. It is clear how much you admired and loved him. I am so sad and literally crushed about Bernie’s passing. I never met Bernie but he indeed was one of my closest friends through his music, guitar collection and book. I loved every interview with him that I read or saw. I feel like I have lost a family member. Bernie”s music has helped me through some very difficult times. I will never forget him. Again, thank you for this wonderful and comforting video. I cannot express how appreciative I am of you. Be well”. Jem

“Beautifully put Phil, our experiences and thoughts about Bernie are on the same path. I was at Newcastle City Hall rather than Birmingham.
Loved the book and yesterday I played About time too as well as PAL. I also played the Snakebite EP, white vinyl of course! And the awesome Ain’t no love in the heart of the city…perfect. Just remembered when I saw Bernie at the City Hall in 78 he wore a Newcastle United shirt for the gig! Finally yesterday, I played Kings… I feel in the end he was most at home playing great blues… sending lots of love Phil, Bernie is a big loss and I can tell his passing hit you hard too” – Davey

Phil Aston | Now Spinning Magazine

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